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FB is becoming the part of English Literature in India

FB is becoming the part of English Literature in India

Either political rhetoric or a message for your friends for the purpose of greetings or believes may be caused of Likes. But may be perhaps some one will contribute these greetings and believes into literature. But Delhi University is not agreed upon that and they are trying to make literature of FaceBook posts. Along that students will be taught how to write interesting blog, cover letter and introductory letter.

Delhi University professors are thinking about the opinion of new English literature. Prof. Crystal Dev Dason Head Of English Department of Delhi University said that FaceBook updates of skill development will be part of the curriculum.. That professional skills are non-academic courses for promotion. The Delhi University is not only the first University of the world who saw Facebook as instructional and educational purposes.  Britain's Salford University has already introduced a course of M.A in social media since 2009. 

Claim of Making water directly from the Air by a Solar Powered Harvester Tool

American scientists has made such a tool which can convert sun light into energy directly and can use air humidity to make water directly.

According to the experts of MIT and University of California Breklely that "Solar Powered Harwester Tool" absorbs water vapours from the air and a Metal Organic Framework Tool is used to make liquid of that absorbed vapours. Currently proto type of that tool has been developed and in which 1 kg of MOF is used. And it will start making water from 20% air humidity and it takes 12 hours to built 2.8 Litres of water. That prototype currently working progress is 20% but MOF is working on it to make it better accessible .

Solar Powered Device Harvests Water Video

Uttar Pradesh Chief Minister congratulated on the birth of Imam Ali, Bhagat upset

Mixed reaction on the tweet of Aditya, Muslims expressed gratitude and non Muslims created the issue. 

Yogi Adityanath tweet"حضرت علی علیہ سلام کے جنم دن پر پردیس واسویوں کو بدھائی" 
हजरत अली के जन्म दिन पर प्रदेशवासियों को बधाई
— Yogi Adityanath (@myogiadityanath) April 11, 2017
on the birth anniversary of Hazrat Ali a.s has urged Hindus to do something against him. They are not supporting him for such tweet, they are opposing him clearly. There are a lot of people from all around the world who celebrates Imam Ali a.s birth anniversary to show their love for First Caliph of Hazrat Muhammad s.a.w.w. 

On recent Tuesday it was birth day of Hazrat Ali a.s and Hanuman Jayanthi , therefore more security needed specially in India to perform both these processions peacefully. There was also a comment war on his tweet. Mr Yogi Adityanath showed his Love for Muslims. Also a news is coming about him that he is replacing names of such areas which are famous as Hindu but their are living muslims, so he want to change the name of societies where are living muslims to rename as Muslim's societies. 

"She has not yet returned back decision of divorce but matters of patch up are continuing ."Veena Malik

"I have started music but will not work on Album, If i got a good offer for film then i will join it."

Veena Malik

A well famous actress Veena Malik said that she has not yet returned back decision of divorce but matters of patch up are continuing with Asad. She said that she don't want to talk on her personal issues but when media compel her to tell the story then she can't hide anything from Media. She want to give a message to his Country by a Patriotic song "A Dushman E Watan". Veena said that she was happy to see her teaser viral on social media this encouragement make her to release full song. Veena said that Karachi is her favorite city so therefore she decided to release song from that city. But Lahore is my home. She liked music always but first time she debuted through a patriotic song "A Dushman E watan".

She said more patriotic songs are being written for her. She will sing some more patriotic songs soon and she will never give her music for movies. She said the main goal of singing patriotic song is telling people that she is a patriotic girl .She got wealth , respect and prosperous from that country now this is the chance to do something for that country. She said "I am an actress , i will accept an offer of Movie on the basis of standard Film. 

A very famous Wrestler Under Taker has left the Wrestling

Under Taker

Fighting World king Under Taker has said Good Bye to Wrestling 

It is very sad news for wrestling lovers that their favorite personality  Mark William famous as Under Taker has said good bye to wrestling for always on 28 march 2017. Under Taker has make the record of winning 23 fights in mega event wrestle-mania but after loosing two time in that event he announced to leave the wrestling. After loosing the fight he again came to the ring and with a very sad attitude he announced of his retirement while on the Back stage Roman Rine was looking very disappointed after the announcement of Under Taker.
Under Taker was the symptom of fear for his opponent fighters. He started his carrier in wrestling in 1984. He fought with the many famous and well known wrestlers where he often got success and  owned many records. As Under Taker has won every type of belt from wrestling ,he also had done work in holly wood movies. After announcement of his retirement many viewers are sad and they are also appreciating him with excellent words. There were a lot of tweets are going viral from the fans of Under Taker , I am mentioning an amazing tweet a man said that after the retirement of Under Taker  "my childhood officially ended with his retirement " .There were a lot of fans are updating their to Sad and Feeling Missing for Under Taker. There were a lot of people who dont want to see wrestling with out Under Taker. Under Taker's billions and trillions of fans are praying for him who make fighting event very interested always and he always tried to win the hearts of his lovers and fans. But after a lot of enjoyment and entertainment there is always a End, so can't reverse those moments but we can make such Legends happy always by praying for them. 

Hadeeqa's "Kamli Da Dhola" has Become Jangle

Hadeeqa Kyani's new Sufi Song "Kamli Da Dhola" has started jangling on the social media, Hadeeqa Kayani has announced a new music album project "Wajd" in which he will perform in the different areas of Paksitan for the survival and revival of Music. She released his first chapter "Kamli Da Dhola" from the above mentioned Project.
Hadeeqa Kayani said there is a something special in that song which is the use of live music maker instead of any machine user. Song's composition is made by Hadeeqa and Song Order has been completed by Mr. Irfan Kayani. The song is started by the poetry of Baba Bulhay Shah . On the releasing event of this Song Hadiqa said that she is in love with that folk song from her childhood. She were used to sing this song in her school competitions.
Here is the song , Enjoy it.